“Because I truly believe we’ll create a beautiful world when we
RELAX & GROW and SHARE from our overflow.”

Hi Beautiful Human Being

Hi beautiful Human Being,

Through life experiences I started a journey to become a dedicated professional, passionate about nurturing holistic well-being. Through Lomilomi massage, coaching, and empowering womens events I found a way to express my love and empathy for life, humanity and my (com)passionate and emotional self.
In times like these in which there are many uncertainties I’d like to put myself in service of those who are searching for guidance and or direction in life. In co-creation with and for the higher good of this gorgeous planet, all it’s beautiful beings and the bigger picture. 


Sharing creates opportunities for inspiration, support and growth,
so I went on a journey to create inspiring content for and by people from all walks of life. 

In times of need I’ve been so gratefull for those who share their wisdom. I’ve come to realise each and everyone of us is capable of sharing wisdom through their expression of who they are, what they’ve experienced and what they stand for.
May it inspire and support you,
May it guide and grow you and
may it support you into becoming more of yourself.

Lots of love for you!

I love this style of coaching! May got me back on track, moving me closer to a ten on the scale of self acceptence. I ended the session feeling joyful and invigorated.
Mother, UK
Sweetheart, I feel completely different, since you gave me this beautyful massage...
Es war als hätte mein Körper durch deine Hände eine Information erhalten, die wie Medizin gewirkt hat.
Eines der kostbarsten Geschenke, die ich seit langem erhalten habe.
... , DE
De coaching met May was veilig en concreet. werkzame handvatten aan de oppervlakte en inzichten op diepte.
surf teacher, NL